Basic Scan Host Report Example

This sample invokes and displays the results of an aggressive Nmap scan with the corresponding operating system where this execution is being performed by invoking the Nmap service via DXL

For more information see:



Modify the example to include the targets and options in the file you want to scan.

For example:

# Define elements to be analysed
target_1 = ''
target_2 = ''
target_list = [target_1, target_2]

# Define options to execute the tool

Where “target_#” parameter represent the element to be analysed and `”option”`is the parameter to execute Nmap tool There are different options:

Option Command Description
Aggressive Scan -A Aggressive Scan
Operating System -O Operating system in the current host
Aggressive Scan + Operating System -O - A Both options

You can look for more information about Nmap tool in Nmap page


To run this sample execute the sample/basic/ script as follows:

python sample/basic/

The output should be similar to the following:

Response for nmapservice_requesthandler:

    "100": "------------------------------------------",
    "101": "Nmap scan report for Host is up",
    "102": "Operative System: Linux",
    "103": "PORT:    22/tcp STATE: open SERVICE: ssh",
    "104": "------------------------------------------"


The majority of the sample code is shown below:

# Create the client
with DxlClient(config) as dxl_client:

    # Connect to the fabric
    dxl_client.connect()"Connected to DXL fabric.")

    # Create client wrapper
    client = DXLNmapClient(dxl_client)

    # Invoke the aggressive scan method
    resp_dict = client.scan_report(option)

    # Print out the response (convert dictionary to JSON for pretty
    # printing)
    print "Response:\n{0}".format(
        MessageUtils.dict_to_json(resp_dict, pretty_print=True))

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a dxlnmapclient.client.DXLNmapClient instance is created which will be used to invoke remote commands on the OpenDXL Nmap Service.

Next, the dxlnmapclient.client.DXLNmapClient.scan_report() method is invoked with the target to be scanned and report it.

The final step is to display the contents of the returned dictionary (dict) which contains the results of the scan report.